


Number of Seeds :
  • Number of seeds: 1
  • Number of seeds: 10
  • Number of seeds: 25
  • Number of seeds: 3
  • Number of seeds: 5
SKU: UTOPIA Category:

Utopia strain is a dream come true for any grower, as you will find everything that is sought in a Cannabis plant: ease of cultivation, very short period of flowering and a very high production. Its buds, hard and very resinous have a sweet and fruity taste, while producing a stimulating and cerebral effect, characteristic of sativa type strains.

Utopia is a cannabis strain that produces very good results -both indoors and outdoors- and works well in Mediterranean and temperate climates, although its most natural habitat is that of cold climates, as it is especially resistant to mold.

Genetics: White Widow and Critigal +

Seed type: female.

CBD: 16%

Production quantity: indoor cultivation 500-700 grams per square meter.

Production quantity: External cultivation 1000-1100 grams per plant.

Plant height: Indoor planting 80-140 cm.

Plant height: outdoor planting 170-200 cm.

Flowering time: 45-50 days.

Sativa 55% indica 45%

The effect: relaxation and elation.

Climate: temperate

Mildew resistance

Flavor: Sweet, Fruity


Additional Information
Number of seeds

Number of seeds: 1, Number of seeds: 10, Number of seeds: 25, Number of seeds: 3, Number of seeds: 5


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    Number of Seeds :
    SKU: UTOPIA Category:

    سلالة اليوتوبيا هي حلم يتحقق لأي مزارع ، حيث ستجد كل ما يتم البحث عنه في نبتة القنب: سهولة الزراعة ، وفترة الإزهار القصيرة جدًا ، والإنتاج العالي جدًا. براعمها ، صلبة وراتنجية للغاية لها طعم حلو وفاكهي ، بينما تنتج تأثيرًا محفزًا ودماغيًا ، وهو سمة من سمات سلالات نوع ساتيفا. اليوتوبيا هي سلالة من سلالة القنب تنتج نتائج جيدة للغاية – سواء في الداخل أو في الهواء الطلق – وتعمل بشكل جيد في مناخ البحر الأبيض المتوسط ​​والمعتدل ، على الرغم من أن موطنها الطبيعي هو الطقس البارد ، حيث إنها مقاومة بشكل خاص للعفن.

    معلومات البذور

    White Widow and Critigal+

    نوع البذرة: مؤنثة

    THC: 20%

    CBD: 0.6

    كمية الانتاج: زراعة داخلية 500-700 غرام لكل متر مربع

    كمية الانتاج: زراعة خارجية 1000-1100 غرام للنبتة

    طول النبتة: زراعة داخلية 80-140 سم

    طول النبتة: زراعة خارجية 170-200 سم

    وقت التزهير: 45-50 ايام

    ساتيفا %55 و انديكا %45

    التأثير: الاسترخاء و الانتشاء.

    الطقس: معتدل

    مقاومة العفن

    النكهة: حلو, فواكه


    Additional Information
    Number of seeds

    Number of seeds: 1, Number of seeds: 10, Number of seeds: 25, Number of seeds: 3, Number of seeds: 5


    Customers' review

    5 stars 0 0 %
    4 stars 0 0 %
    3 stars 0 0 %
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      Number of Seeds :
      SKU: UTOPIA Category:

      Utopia strain is a dream come true for any grower, as you will find everything that is sought in a Cannabis plant: ease of cultivation, very short period of flowering and a very high production. Its buds, hard and very resinous have a sweet and fruity taste, while producing a stimulating and cerebral effect, characteristic of sativa type strains.

      Utopia is a cannabis strain that produces very good results -both indoors and outdoors- and works well in Mediterranean and temperate climates, although its most natural habitat is that of cold climates, as it is especially resistant to mold.

      Genetics: White Widow and Critigal +

      Seed type: female.

      THC: 20%

      CBD: 0.6

      ndoor cultivation 500-700 grams per square meter.

      Outdoor cultivation 1000-1100 grams per plant.

      Plant height: Indoor planting 80-140 cm.

      Plant height: outdoor planting 170-200 cm.

      Flowering time: 45-50 days.

      Sativa 55% indica 45%

      The effect: relaxation and elation.

      Climate:  Cold temperate

      Mildew resistance

      Flavor: Sweet, Fruity


      Additional Information
      Number of seeds

      Number of seeds: 1, Number of seeds: 3, Number of seeds: 5, Number of seeds: 10, Number of seeds: 25


      Customers' review

      5 stars 0 0 %
      4 stars 0 0 %
      3 stars 0 0 %
      2 stars 0 0 %
      1 star 0 0 %


      There are no reviews yet.

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